GUI Design for Automated Mission Planning and Controller Synthesis
Abstract: Mission planning and controller synthesis for autonomous robots is a complex task and requires knowledge about several topics such as control, robotics and linear temporal logic. Wrapping these tasks with a graphical user interface and making these tools usable by people without the technical knowledge is important. Because that would result in an increasing number of people getting involved and thus making the field grow.
The main objective of my internship in Autonomous Systems Group at the University of Texas at Austin was to create this graphical user interface. The constraints for this software were that the software had to be easy to use, include all necessary features, handle all the mission data in an efficient way and also be able to output this data in a meaningful way so that the controller synthesis software could take it as the input.
In addition to developing the mission planning software, a path planning software has been developed to process the data from a simple mission to confirm that everything works as intended. Finally, a simulation of those paths has been created to have a demonstration of the whole process, from the user inputs to the simulation.
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